No matter what any massage chair manufacturer claims- Trained massage therapists are definitely better than massage chairs at giving massages.
Firstly they can see, hear, feel and sense the person they are massaging. They immediately get feedback from these senses and can fine tune the massage- for example the amount of pressure to apply, whereas machines can't do that.
Secondly- they can talk to the customer or take cues from the customer when they groan in pain or sigh in relief and immediately adjust.
Finally, human therapists can access the customer's body better, they can move around themselves or ask the customer to roll over for this. All this makes them better at it.
However if compared to untrained massage therapists machines can sometime prove to be better.
For example- In the US massage therapists have to go to college for 500-1,000 hrs of training to learn to massage and have to pass an exam before they get a massage license to practice. It is not possible to call yourself a massage therapist without displaying that certificate. So the quality of therapists is usually good.
In China and Japan, massage culture has been around for hundreds of years and people are very accustomed to getting massages and can quickly call out someone who is not trained or good at massage.
In India, there are only a few colleges that offer massage training (for example in Kerela), therefore it is common to get untrained and unskilled ‘therapists’ that learnt massaging from others or through trial and error. These 'massage therapists' may be good sometimes but often are not and can cause you more trouble than benefit.
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