The most progressive companies in the world have already identified massage as an important component of their company's wellness programs.
They have seen it helps employees de-stress in the middle of a long work day, helps them relax, increase blood circulation and reduce back pain from sitting for long hours in front of their screens. It helps employees be more productive and reduces absenteeism.
Companies like Google, Adobe and Intuit that are commonly rated as Best Places to Work, all provide massage chairs at their offices for their employees. If you are looking for how best to improve your employees wellness at work, consider the below benefits of massage chairs for employees and companies and give us a call.

Benefits to Employees
Per Mayo Clinic benefits include
Reduction in stress, pain and muscle tension
Increases feeling of caring, comfort and well-being
Per American Massage Therapist Association benefits include
Reduction in symptoms of
blood pressure
lower back pain
carpal tunnel symptoms
sleeplessness (insomnia)
pain from strains or injuries etc.

Benefits to Employers
Reduced sick leaves
Reduced medical costs related to tiredness, aches & pains
Increased productivity - mental focus, alert, physical ease, low stress
Cost similar to gym equipment but benefits every employee-
Unlike programs like smoking cessation, gaming, or sports, this benefit is useful women and non-sporty people
Requires only 10 min for quick rejuvenation

Hotels, Spas, Hospitals, Airports, Malls, Clubs
People love massages
Increased loyalty
Brand differentiation
Increased customer satisfaction